Our Mission

Our mission at Frequency500 is to literally inspire a movement.  It’s a movement to encourage and inspire millions of people to raise their frequency and contribute to raising our collective average. 

Here’s why:

  • The vast minority of the world’s population is living in the space of fear, grief, anger,

    shame, and other negative vibrations, as Dr. David Hawkins outlined in his Map of

    Consciousness, and others have explained as well, (just watch the nightly news for

    confirmation), and

  • The small minority that is leaning into courage, willingness, acceptance, joy, love, peace,

    and more is literally counterbalancing the negativity, and

  • There are more people on the planet than there have ever been, all facing challenges

    (like rising violence, global pandemic, etc), then

  • We all need the small minority dedicated to positive growth to grow even more than the

    general population growth rate to get ahead of the curve, to raise the average

    frequency of the planet, and to contribute to our planetary conscious evolution.

Frequency500 is for everyone.  All of everyone. EVERYONE. You join this movement by simply having an intention to grow in your experience and expression of higher vibrations as you live your life.  Do small things with love, as Mother Teresa advised.  

Frequency500 isn’t about the number - or knowing your calibrated number on the Map of Consciousness compared to anyone else’s- that would be an ego thing.

And it isn’t about trying or striving - because success happens in alignment with Highest Self.

Higher numbers are not better. Lower numbers are not worse. 

A horse isn’t better or worse than a hawk. It’s about the hawk or horse being aligned as who they have come here to be as their fullest expression.

When we align with who and what we are as our purest spiritual selves - a little more and a little more each day - in the face of the distractions of the world - we create a gift for ourselves and for everyone and everything on our planet.

For humankind to move from surviving to thriving - for us to truly fulfill a role of lover and caretaker of our planet, not it’s destroyer, we must do our individual parts to raise the average vibration by aligning our own frequency as high above 200 as possible.

As the Hopi Elders said, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” 

Let that be a good thing.